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April Fools 2012, YouTube DVD Collection

YouTube have yet again joined in the fun of April Fools Day, this time advertising a YouTube Collection DVD.

The DVD collection contains every single video every uploaded to the video sharing site. Upon ordering, 175 trucks (or mules depending on your location) are said to set off towards your house to deliver all of the DVDs.

They have even thought of a way to bring the entire YouTube experience to DVD, including the comment and rating system. This is done through post. Each DVD comes with a piece of paper for you to write your comment, and a thumbs-up or thumbs-down symbol to post back to YouTube.

You can attempt to make an order of the DVD at, be warned though, orders may take a while :P. I, for example, ordered over 200,000 dubstep remixes, which is scheduled for arrival on June 16 2045…can’t wait!

So far, the technology world is going mad for April 1st.

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