Tech and Retro Gaming Lovers
Apple Design, An iPad Only Wallpaper Website

So, you have your new iPad and want to make the most out of that amazing retina display. Now, usually you would do a Google search, or try to find wallpapers which could be manipulated to fit the screen of the iPad, which look nothing but tacky or pixelated, not reflecting the £400+ you just paid for your tablet.

Luckily, 2048px, a website I stumbled across earlier today promises to offer you the highest quality retina wallpapers available, and is dedicated to that device. No desktop or phone wallpapers, simply 2048×2048 iPad wallpapers. fulfills the need for higher resolution artwork required by the new iPad released by Apple in March 2012 with a high resolution retina display. 2048pixels provides a venue for anyone to download original 2048×2048 iPad retina artwork by some of the best designers in the world. With the release of the latest iPad, there is a real need in the market for products that utilize this incredible resolution. 2048pixels creates a place for all designers to showcase their skills while leveraging this latest technology in exciting ways.


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