Tech and Retro Gaming Lovers
Retro Gaming
Retro Consoles Retro Games Technology

Geeks Have Landed Has Gone All Retro

At Geeks Have Landed we have always looked to the future to bring you news and reviews on the latest gadgets, technology and computing.

After being away for a few months we are back but Geeks Have Landed is back with a new focus, rather than bringing you the latest technology and gadgets we are going back in time to bring you all the latest in the world of Retro Computing and Retro Gaming.

Retro computing and gaming machines are making a comeback as people like myself who grew up with these early computers and gaming machines are looking to the past to re-live our youth.

So we will be looking at the original computers and how they evolved into games consoles to the dedicated games consoles and of course talking about those early games that laid the pathway to the games we play today.

We will also be looking at the return of these gaming consoles with the introduction of the new but definitely retro gaming machines like the Nintendo NES and the anticipated Sinclair ZX Vegas.

So I am looking forward to talking all things retro, so without delay lets get started …..

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