Tech and Retro Gaming Lovers

15 Amazing Android Icon Packs #2

Earlier this year I did a post titled ‘15 Amazing Android Icon Packs‘, which has become one of the most popular posts we have ever published. Now that the year is almost up, there are tons of new icon designs, so here is part two, another 15 amazing icon packs.

All of the images are links to DeviantArt, where you will find information on how to download the icon pack.


placed icon pack   circuit android icon pack

pillow icon pack

supernova icon pack

noir stationary icon pack       noir icon pack tiles icon pack

breathe icon pack

fat spartan android icon

dark matter icon pack

labeled rounds icon pack

ewhite icon pack

color my life android icons

paranoid circles android icon

If you have created or have found some cool icon packs for either Android or iOS, leave a link to them in the comment section below and I’ll be sure to feature them in part 3!

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