Tech and Retro Gaming Lovers

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, E3 Trailer

EA and DICE can breathe a sigh of relief, Treyarch didn’t have anything up their sleeves.

The first official gameplay footage of the latest Call of Duty instalment was released yesterday at E3, and if you ask me, it’s slightly underwhelming.

Gone is the past and modern day era that we are used to seeing in Call of Duty, as they move the new title to the not to distant future. New futuristic weapons and technology is now a huge part of the game, including sniper scopes which can see through walls.

But amongst the seemingly heart-pounding footage shown at the conference, there was no doubt the same thought going through every single person watching live, either at the actual event or online. The thought being that, whilst it’s been the thought of many in online forums and YouTube, critics are beginning to finally realise that the Call of Duty franchise hasn’t changed in a long time.

The graphics have hardly changed a bit since MW3, and they are made to look terrible by being showcased in the middle of a conference which had shown off the amazing graphics of the upcoming Tomb Raider and Spinter Cell titles.

What do you think about the latest Call of Duty trailer? Many will still buy it, and no doubt it will be one of, if not the biggest selling game of the year. However I think that after the successful launch of Black Ops 2, Treyarch and Activision should take a couple of years to work on the next instalment.

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