Tech and Retro Gaming Lovers

Buy Some Pants, Get Fifa 13 for £20 [DEAL]

As always, the latest Fifa is going to be one of the top selling games of the year. Minor tweaks and an update to squads makes each new Fifa instalment a must have for fans of the previous year. However, Fifa isn’t cheap, especially when you consider that the game never really improves every year, it simply adds a couple of new features to make sure it remains dominant over Konami’s PES series.

Roughly £40 is the price you can expect to pay on the high-street, with the possibility of shaving off a few quid by shopping on eBay. Either way, you’re looking at spending in excess of £30 for a game almost exactly the same to the one that you most likely paid the same amount for this time last year. Luckily, The Hut has a pretty amazing offer available that you should take advantage of.

The Hut is offering Fifa 13 for £20 with the condition that you also purchase a two-pack of Levis men’s boxers for £15. In total you’ll be paying £35 which is £5 less than the game alone costs on The Hut anyway. If you like, you can think of it as The Hut paying you £5 to give you a pair of pants.

Source: The Hut

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