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glovebox for android
Android app

Glovebox for Android Will Keep You Satisfied While You Wait for Ubuntu OS

glovebox for android

Glovebox for Android is an application which replicates the app drawer function of Ubuntu OS, which allows you to access pre-defined apps by swiping to the right.

After the release of Blackberry 10 earlier this month, all thoughts have now focused on the next operating system to be released, Ubuntu OS. The developer preview of the OS is getting released at the end of February for Nexus 4 and Galaxy Nexus owners, but that means the rest of us have to wait a while.

Glovebox will almost certainly not compare to the actual experience of using Ubuntu OS, as the feature is only a small part of the operating system. However, if you’ve been looking forward to it’s release since it was revealed at the end of last year, this app will certainly keep you calm until it’s release.

Glovebox on the Google Play Store

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