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iPhone 6: The Teaser Trailer

The iPhone 6 will be released later this year, we have a look at what it’s all about

Yep, the iPhone 6 is set to be released later this year and the internet is keen to get that drool hanging from your mouth. So have a watch of the extravagantly indulgent fan-made features trailer up above.

Right. What just happened? If you decided to read this instead of the video, firstly, thanks! But secondly, I don’t think there’s enough purple prose to really quantify what just happened to the theoretical iPhone 6.

Like some kind of Transformer, the 6 jettisons its ends, like a space-craft, and raises its screen to a sloping angle before projecting a holographic Macbook keyboard onto the table and a Macbook desktop onto the opposite wall. Seriously, I just watched this and still have no clue what that last sentence means. I think the iPhone 6 just transformed into a fully working, holographic pseudo-laptop…

It seems that whoever made this video got a bit bored as the theoretical-6 lethargically spins around for a while in a white void whilst Kraddy’s ‘Android Porn’ rumbles in the background before fading to a single date, the ambiguously unhelpful ‘2013’.

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